

From Nuclear to Nucleon Structure


Helsinki Institute of Physics


April 1-2, 2004





Thursday, April 1


Room: A315


Chair:              A.M. Green


11:00-11:05    Welcome


11:05-11:25    T. Lähde

                        Meson masses to two loops in partially quenched chiral perturbation theory


11:25-11:45    B. Juliá-Díaz

                        Baryon form factors of relativistic constituent quark models


11:45-12:05    J. Niskanen

                        Charge symmetry breaking meson production


12:05-12:25    J. Koponen

                        Energy spectrum of a heavy-light meson on a lattice


12:25-12:45    P. Piirola

                        Partial wave analysis of pion-nucleon scattering


12:45-14.00     Lunch break



Room: E204


Chair:              G.E. Brown


14:00-15:00    R.D. McKeown


                        Neutrino masses and oscillations: Triumphs and challenges


15:00-15:30    Coffee


15:30-16:15    B. Höistad

                        Meson production in few body collisions


16:15-17:00    K.F. Liu

                        Nucleon resonances from lattice QCD



17:00-17:45    F. Gross

                        Relativistic nucleon and nuclear physics



Friday, April 2


Room: A315


Chair:              M. Sainio


09:00-09:45    R. Schiavilla

                        Interactions, currents and light nuclei


09:45-10:30    U. Meissner

                        Modern theory of nuclear forces


10:30-10:45    Coffee


10:45-11:30    T.-S. H. Lee

                        Nucleon resonances and pion clouds


11:30-13:00    Lunch break


Room: E204


Chair:              F. Gross


13:00-13:45    K. Kajantie

                        QCD at finite temperature: theory and experiment


13:45-14:30    G. Brown

                        What Hath RHIC WROUGHT


14:30-15:00    Coffee


15:00-15:45    J. Tuominiemi

                        New physics with LHC


15:45-16:30    A.-P. Hameri

                        Engineering and managerial view to high-energy physics


16:30-17:30    Refreshments






Sponsors:        Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Finnish Society of Science and Letters

Waldemar von Frenckell Foundation

Helsinki Institute of Physics