HIP NEWS September 10th 2018


HIP NEWS September 10th 2018





Wednesday 12 September 2018 at 14.15 in A315

Eleonora Villa (CTP Warsaw)

Relativistic perturbation theory in ΛCDM and beyond: Effects on cosmological dynamics and observations.


More information on http://research.hip.fi/hwp/cosmology/?page_id=206





The position will be based in the Particle Physics and Astrophysics Division of the Department of Physics in the Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki and it will be filled permanently starting from 1.3.2019 or later by agreement.

The deadline for applications is 15.10.2018.

More information on https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions/university-lecturer-theoretical-particle-physics



The field of the position is in gravitational wave cosmology, and it will be based in the Particle Physics and Astrophysics Division of the Department. The selected person will also get a startup package of about 150 000 EUR/year for the first three years.

The deadline for applications is 15.10.2018.

More information on https://www.helsinki.fi/en/open-positions/assistant-professorassociate-professorprofessor-gravitational-wave-cosmology




The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation. Applications are submitted using the electronic application system. http://jaes.fi/en/applying-for-donation/


The Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation Awards / Graduate Student Scholarships. The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 30.6. or 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. More information https://www.magnusehrnroothinsaatio.fi/en/grants/#reserch_grant


Väisälä Foundation’s scholarships in natural sciences can be applied from 13th August to 24th September 2018. Applications shall be made by electronic means only. For detailed instructions, see https://www.acadsci.fi/en/scholarships-and-prizes/scholarships/vaisala-foundation.html (in Finnish). All the material is in Finnish, but more information via email ( nina.rapelo [at] acadsci.fi ) from the office of Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia (Finnish Academy of Science and Letters).


The Foundations´Post Doc Pool. The pool grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland. The pool grants are not intended for subsidizing researchers’ mobility from other countries to Finland. The Pool’s Autumn application round is open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2018. https://www.postdocpooli.fi/?lang=en


Nessling Foundation general call is open 13.8.-14.9.2018. The Nessling Foundation awards funding for scientific research promoting environmental protection, and for the communication and implementation of research knowledge.

More information https://www.nessling.fi/grants-2/open-calls/?lang=en


Kone Foundation’s goal is to advance bold initiatives in research and the arts. The next application time is 1.-15.9. More information https://koneensaatio.fi/en/grants/grantapplicants/

Research posts funded by the Kone Foundation. More information https://koneensaatio.fi/en/grants/research-posts-funded-by-the-foundation/


(In Finnish) Tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoiminta ja kansainvälinen toiminta

TSV välittää tieteellisille seuroille opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriöltä saatavan valtionavustuksen julkaisutoimintaan ja kansainväliseen toimintaan

Hakuaika on vuosittain syyskuussa eli 1.-30.9. Lisätietoja https://www.tsv.fi/fi/avustukset/julkaisutoiminta-ja-kansainvalinen-toiminta


Vuorineuvos Matti Sundberg Quality Fund grant


Eligible applicants are university or university of applied sciences teachers or researchers who have achieved success in quality related education or research or persons working in industry who have distinguished themselves in the development, research or education in quality issues. The grant can also be awarded to an organization.


The deadline for applications is 30.9.2018.


A written application through the electronic Webpropol system at: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/8FE9776994959108.par

The link in order to  opens on 1.9.2018.


More information in flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/HY376470


(In Finnish) Helsingin yliopiston ja Eurooppalaisen Suomen järjestämä tilaisuus Horizon Europe – Tutkimuksen tulevaisuusaamu


Pe 14.9.2018 9:00-11:00 Tiedekulma, Stage (Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki)


Tilaisuuteen on ennakkoilmoittautuminen. Voit seurata keskustelua myös verkossa livestriimin välityksellä tai katsoa jälkeenpäin tallenteena. Osallistu keskusteluun Twitterissä aihetunnisteella #HorizonEurope.

Tilaisuuden avaa opetusministeri Sanni Grahn-Laasonen.

Aiheesta keskustelevat Helsingin yliopiston tutkimuksen vastaava vararehtori Paula Eerola, MEP Nils Torvalds, kasviekologian professori Anna-Liisa Laine sekä EK:n EU- ja kauppapolitiikan johtava asiantuntija Janica Ylikarjula.

Lisätietoja https://helsinginyliopisto.etapahtuma.fi/fi-fi/Kalenteri/Suomi?id=53160


Posted in Weekly Newsflash.