HIP NEWS January 8th 2018

HIP NEWS January 8th 2018

HIP postdoc Mirko Berretti has received the annual CMS detector award 2017 for his outstanding contribution to the CT-PPS system in CMS. Mirko is working at the HIP CMS programme.

The annual CMS Detector Awards are an acknowledgement to the CMS members that, over the last three years, have made or continue to make particularly significant contributions to the project and construction of CMS detectors or parts of them, or to the general implementation of the upgrade projects.

Congratulations to Mirko!

You are warmly invited to the first in a new series of departmental colloquia. Our first speaker will be our own Claus Montonen, who will speak about his work with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, which recently won the Nobel Peace Prize. His talk, titled “The Road to a Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons”, will last 30 minutes and be followed by a cocktail reception. Welcome!

For more information visit: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/physics-colloquium/

The Foundations’ Post Doc Pool´s Spring Call 2018.
The pool grant offers young scholars flexible funding from one source that covers all expenses of a research period abroad for at least one academic year. The grants are intended only for sending researchers abroad from Finland.
The Pool’s application round is open from 15.12.2017 until 15.1.2018.

(in Finnish) Emil Aaltosen säätiö.
Säätiö myöntää apurahoja tieteelliseen tutkimustyöhön kaikille tieteenaloille ja jakaa apurahoja vuosittain yli 6 miljoonaa euroa, josta yli neljä miljoonaa euroa myönnetään henkilökohtaisina apurahoina tutkimustyön tekemiseen väitöskirjatyöntekijöille ja post doc –tutkijoille. Tämän lisäksi säätiö myöntää kolmivuotisia projektiapurahoja tutkimusryhmille. Emil Aaltosen Säätiö on ollut mukana säätiöiden ja rahastojen yhteisessä post doc –poolissa sen ensimmäisestä kolmivuotiskaudesta (2010) alkaen. Poolin kautta myönnetään apurahoja tohtorien ulkomaiseen työskentelyyn.
Hae apurahaa 15.1.-15.2.2018. The Emil Aaltonen Foundation offers grants as a rule to Finnish-speaking researchers only.

Hae apurahaa

University of Helsinki Funds.
The application time for the year 2018 is 11.1. – 31.1.2018
More information https://www.helsinki.fi/en/grants#.Wjzu8SvHhk4.link

Posted in Weekly Newsflash.