HIP NEWS, 16 August 2021  

HIP NEWS, 16 August 2021  



There is a new HIP Blog post out today by Kati Lassila-Perini

On CMS open data, and numbers big and small


Call for research into use of high-performance computing and quantum computers to open in August

In August 2021, the Academy of Finland will open a special funding call aimed at supporting the use of the EuroHPC supercomputing infrastructure, the introduction of quantum computers and the application of high-performance computing.

To whom: The funding can be applied for multidisciplinary research teams or consortia composed of two or more research teams.

When: The call opens on 11 August and closes on 6 October 2021. Applicants are requested notify the topic, fields and keywords of the application by email to eurohpc [at] aka.fi by 1 September 2021. The information will help in organising the scientific review.

More details on the Academy of Finland https://www.aka.fi/en/research-funding/apply-for-funding/calls-for-applications/for-research-teams/special-funding-for-eurohpc-quantum-computing-and-high-performance-computing/

More details on flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/s/upDlm



The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation accepts grant applications every day of the year. There are no separate application times.


Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio [at] helsinki.fi).



(In Finnish) Marjatta ja Eino Kollin Säätiö

Säätiön tehtävänä on tukea tieteellistä sekä soveltavaa tutkimusta ja kehitystyötä myöntämällä apurahoja hankkeiden toteuttajille. Säätiö tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia yksittäisille tutkijoille ja kehittäjille sekä tutkimus-/ kehittäjäryhmille. Haasteena on ruokkia nimenomaan sellaista kehitystä, jolla olisi elinympäristömme kannalta positiivista vaikutusta pitkällä tähtäimellä. Apurahojen hakuaika on jatkuva.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



EDUFI Fellowship

The EDUFI Fellowship is intended, particularly, for providing initial funding to carry out research for a doctoral thesis in Finland.

Applicant: a Finnish university department

Who: a doctoral student or a young researcher from outside Finland

Purpose: initial funding for completing a doctoral research project in Finland, completion of a double degree or a study visit on exceptionally compelling reasons

Application deadline: rolling deadline. You should apply for the grant five months before the start of the fellowship.

Duration of fellowship: 3–12 months, visits 3–6 months



Instrumentarium Science Foundation’s Call for grants 2022

The foundation’s primary role is to support medical, technical and scientific equipment and methods related research and economic research in these fields. The Foundation can also support other high-level basic research in medical, scientific and technological areas that promotes the Foundation’s purposes.

  1. Instrufoundation Fellow Grants (á 100 000 €)
  2. Post-doc grants
  3. Grants for doctoral theses
  4. Silmu Grants (á 50 000 €)

The Science Foundation’s grants for 2022 are available to apply from May 24 to August 31, 2021.



(In Finnish)  Olvi-säätiö

OLVI-säätiö myöntää apurahoja useisiin eri tarkoituksiin mm. luonnonvarojen käytön ja elintarviketalouden kehittäminen, mihin sisältyy keskeisenä osana kala- ja maatalouden kehittäminen. Tieteen apurahoja myönnetään ensisijaisesti väitöskirjatyöhön.

Syyshaku: 1.7.-30.9.



Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

Post doc scholarships

Persons who recently have obtained their PhD may apply for a postdoctoral scholarship. The purpose of a postdoctoral scholarship is to enable the grantee to further develop as a researcher. Applicants for a postdoctoral scholarship may also apply for support for research related costs and travel. A separate application for these purposes must be made.

Graduate student scholarships

The graduate student stipend can be awarded for a period of one year or a half year, preferably for the period 1.7. – 31.12. to a student who has been accepted by the university as a doctoral student. The stipend can be awarded conditionally to a student about to graduate.



Orion Research Foundation grants for 2022

Grants are designated to support academic research for Finnish medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and natural sciences related to those, such as chemistry and physics according Orion Research Foundation’s rules.

The grant application period is between 1 August and 10 September 2021.

More details on https://www.orion.fi/en/rd/orion-research-foundation/orion-research-foundation-grants-for-2022-can-be-applied-for-between-1-august-and-10-september-2021/


Nessling Foundation general call

The Nessling Foundation seeks systemic solutions for an ecologically sustainable future by providing support for research, opportunities for encounters, and researched information for the society.

What can I apply for in the general call 2021?

  • Personal working grants along with funding for other research costs for PhD projects (up to four years).
  • Personal working grants along with funding for other research costs for Post doc projects (up to two years).
  • Grants for implementation of scientific environmental information (50,000–100,000 euros per project). This funding is open to consortia involving researchers and end-users of the information (for example a company, municipality or other organization).

Call is open 16.8.-17.9.2021



(In Finnish)  Vilho, Yrjö ja Kalle Väisälän rahasto

Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia julistaa haettavaksi Vilho, Yrjö ja Kalle Väisälän rahastosta apurahoja matemaattis-luonnontieteellisille tutkimusaloille. Rahasto tukee erityisesti matematiikan, fysiikan, meteorologian, geofysiikan ja astronomian aloilla tehtävää tutkimusta.

Haku avoinna 9.8.–20.9.2021.



The Pool’s Autumn Call open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2021.

The Finnish Foundations’ Post Doc Pool’s Autumn Application Round will be open from 15 Aug until 15 Sep 2021.


Nokia Foundation Scholarship and Jorma Ollila grant application calls

We promote and support Finnish scientific development and education in the fields of information technology, telecommunications and related scientific disciplines.

Nokia Foundation has calls open for applications for Nokia Scholarships, Jorma Ollila grants, and Nokia Visiting Professor grants.


The Nokia Scholarship is intended to encourage efficient, fast-progressing doctoral studies and research. Scholarship can be granted for doctoral studies in a Finnish university or to a Finnish applicant for doctoral studies abroad.

Application time: 2.8. – 23.9.2021



The Jorma Ollila special fund was created to support recently graduated doctors to further develop their research careers in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) or in supporting scientific disciplines. These personal grants are awarded for the purpose of gaining international experience and research excellence for a period of 0,5-3 years.

Application time: 2.8. – 23.9.2021



Nokia Visiting Professor

Grants for Nokia Visiting Professors are given to distinguished foreign professors to work in Finland, or to deserving Finnish professors working at respected foreign universities in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The minimum period for the visit is two months. Visitors coming to Finland must typically participate in research work, give lectures and collaborate with Finnish companies.


Nokia Foundation Board will make decisions quarterly.

Applications Sent By: Board Decision available:
November 14, 2021 December 23, 2021



(In Finnish) Tieteen tiedotus ry:n rahoitushaku 2021

Tieteen tiedotus ry julistaa haettavaksi rahoitusta tieteellisen tutkimuksen tuloksista tiedottamiseen ja saattamiseen yleisön tietoisuuteen. Kirjahankkeet ja tieteellinen tutkimus eivät kuulu apurahoituksen piiriin. Hakijana voi olla yksityinen henkilö, työryhmä tai rekisteröity yhteisö. Rahoitus osoitetaan rekisteröidylle taustayhteisölle.


Jaettavana on 200 000 euroa, josta yhdistys rahoittaa 1–4 hanketta.


Vapaamuotoiset (max. 3 sivua A4) aiehakemukset tulee toimittaa sähköpostitse yhtenä pdf-tiedostona (tieteentiedotus [at] gmail.com ) 20.8.2021 mennessä. Aiehakemuksessa on kuvattava hankkeen tausta, tavoitteet, karkea budjetti, toteutus ja vastuullinen toteuttaja yhteystietoineen.


Aiehakemusten perusteella jatkoon pääsevät hankkeet valitaan syyskuussa, ja näitä pyydetään toimittamaan varsinainen hakemus myöhemmin. Rahoituspäätökset tehdään marraskuun aikana. Tiedustelut: tieteentiedotus [at] gmail.com


Tieteen tiedotus ry:n tarkoituksena on tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja sen tuloksista tiedottaminen. Yhdistys julkaisee Tiede-lehteä ja osallistuu Hyvä terveys -lehden julkaisemiseen.

Lisätietoja: http://www.tieteentiedotus.fi/ajank.html

Tietolähde: http://docs.unigrafia.fi/yliopisto-lehti_naytenumero/#/article/60/page/1-1


Posted in Weekly Newsflash.