HIP NEWS, 6 June 2022   

HIP NEWS, 6 June 2022   




After the second long shutdown the CERN Large Hadron Collider is starting its third period of data collecting, the LHC Run 3. Read more on Henning Kirschenmann’s blog post Ramping up towards LHC Run 3 on the HIP Blog.




Tuesday 7 June 2022 at 10:15 in A315 and using Zoom

Oscar Henriksson (Helsinki)

“Bubbles at strong coupling from holographic effective actions”

Abstract:  https://www.hip.fi/seminars/



Tuesday 14 June 2022 at 10:15 in A315 and using Zoom

Jan Heisig (Université Catholique de Louvain)

“Bound state effects on dark matter coannihilation – pushing the boundaries beyond the WIMP paradigm”

Abstract:  https://www.hip.fi/seminars/



Tuesday 21 June 2022 at 10:15 in A315 and using Zoom

Javier G. Subils (Nordita)


Abstract:  https://www.hip.fi/seminars/



Invitation – Celsius Symposium 300 years of weather statistics

Time and place: Monday 5 September 2022, 13:00–16:30, The Humanities Theatre, Thunbergsvägen 3C, Uppsala.

Learn more about Celsius’s contribution to climate research, find out how we use the climate data from our weather observations and listen to experts discuss what we can expect from the climate in the future.

The symposium is held in English and will be live streamed and recorded.

Register here before 15 August 2022 if you want to attend in person (limited seats):


Register here before 2 September 2022 if you want to attend online (a link will be sent out in advance): https://doit.medfarm.uu.se/bin/kurt3/kurt/51095



Anna Rutgersson, Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

More information: www.uu.se/celsius300



PhD course on Verification of nuclear test explosions

Duration: 5 weeks, between September 5 and October 7 2022

Location: On-site at Uppsala University, remote participation is also possible


The course Verification of nuclear test explosions is provided by Uppsala University in collaboration with the Swedish Defence Reserach Agency (FOI).


Register to info [at] nanss.uu.se  no later than August 19 (non-Swedish citizens) or August 31 (Swedish citizens) and attach the required information. Use the same email address for questions about the course.

Information about the course and how to register can be found here: https://uppsala.instructure.com/courses/70853/assignments/syllabus




The Ask & Apply sessions on the autumn 2022 call will be held as webinars.

The webinars start with a presentation of about 10–15 minutes. There will also be time for questions after the presentations. The webinars are open to everyone, and the replays can be viewed for two weeks.

The webinars will be held in English. Pre-registration is not required.





The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation

The Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation accepts grant applications every day of the year. There are no separate application times.


Finnish Academy of Science and Letters: Mathematics Fund

There are no fixed dates for applying to the Mathematics Fund. Applications should be sent to the chairman of the trustees, Olli Martio (olli.martio [at] helsinki.fi).



(In Finnish) Marjatta ja Eino Kollin Säätiö

Säätiön tehtävänä on tukea tieteellistä sekä soveltavaa tutkimusta ja kehitystyötä myöntämällä apurahoja hankkeiden toteuttajille. Säätiö tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia yksittäisille tutkijoille ja kehittäjille sekä tutkimus-/ kehittäjäryhmille. Haasteena on ruokkia nimenomaan sellaista kehitystä, jolla olisi elinympäristömme kannalta positiivista vaikutusta pitkällä tähtäimellä. Apurahojen hakuaika on jatkuva.



(På svenska) Svenska tekniska vetenskapsakademien i Finland (STV)

Stipendier till stöd för vetenskapen

Akademien utdelar stipendier för verksamhet vars syfte sammanfaller med Akademiens. Stipendier kan beviljas enskild sökande med avlagd akademisk slutexamen. Stipendier kan sökas kontinuerligt under året och beslut görs kvartalsvis.



EDUFI Fellowship

The EDUFI Fellowship is intended, particularly, for providing initial funding to carry out research for a doctoral thesis in Finland.

Applicant: a Finnish university department

Who: a doctoral student or a young researcher from outside Finland

Purpose: initial funding for completing a doctoral research project in Finland, completion of a double degree or a study visit on exceptionally compelling reasons

Application deadline: rolling deadline. You should apply for the grant five months before the start of the fellowship.

Duration of fellowship: 3–12 months, visits 3–6 months



(In Finnish) Osk. Huttusen säätiön apurahat tieteellisiin jatko-opintoihin ulkomailla / Apurahat väitöskirjatyöhön

Osk. Huttusen säätiö, jonka tarkoituksena on suomalaisen kulttuurin tukeminen, julistaa haettavaksi apurahoja tohtorin tutkintoon johtavien tieteellisten jatko-opintojen ja tutkimustyön suorittamiseksi ulkomaisissa yliopistoissa.

  • Apurahat väitöskirjatyöhön
  • Post doc –apurahat

Hakuaika on 15.5. – 15.6.2022.



Posted in Weekly Newsflash.