Module, Structures & Manufacturing (2015-2020)

The Module, Structures and Manufacturing (M.S.M.) group under Dr. Markus Aicheler works on the hardware development essential for upcoming accelerator based projects. Currently, the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) study is in the main focus of interest and work related to the CLIC module development (design, integration of subsystems, coordination of manufacturing, testing, etc.) as well as the manufacturing of various pieces of the CLIC module are conducted. The long lasting collaboration between Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) and CLIC yielded already noteworthy joint projects, such as formerly “Marie Curie Linking Industry” (MeChanICs) project, and other Finnish industry activating projects.

The interest of the group lay in expanding the portfolio of manufacturing techniques and their industrial stakeholders applicable to upcoming accelerator machine challenges. Examples for typical manufacturing demands are: Ultra-high precision machining and assembly, additive manufacturing of metals and ceramics as well as high temperature bonding. The group tries to foster collaborations on these fields between Finnish companies and big science projects.

Currently, the main research topics of the group are the enhancement of the design and implementation of the CLIC module and the work on three doctoral theses:
– Development of a non-destructive method with micron precision to measure the internal shape of the CLIC accelerating structure disk stack using Fourier Domain Short Coherence Interferometry (FDSCI).
– Development of a rapid ultralow pressure manometer to dynamically measure the outgassing from a RF loaded structure during one RF pulse
– Experimental and theoretical study of the thermal joining of the CLIC accelerating structure through bonding

The CLIC lab test module for thermomechanical tests in tunnel environment

The CLIC lab test module for thermomechanical tests in simulated tunnel environment

Additional funding resources are provided by

  • CERN K-contract (2015-2019)
  • Physics Department Helsinki University
  • Business Finland
  • EU Horizon2020