HIP NEWS January 23rd 2017

HIP NEWS January 23rd 2017

Wednesday 25 January 2017 at 14.15 in A315
Massimiliano Rinaldi (University of Trento)
The scale-invariant inflationary Universe.

Cosmological observations seem to reveal that the Universe evolved through a highly symmetric state during its inflationary phase. One possibility is that the inflationary Universe is fundamentally scale-invariant. In this talk, I will entertain the idea that the inflationary Universe is indeed described by a classically and manifestly scale-invariant scalar-tensor theory of gravitation. As I will show, there are ways to naturally break the symmetry and to generate physical fundamental masses. I will also show how these theories can be connected to other popular models, such as \alpha-attractors and Higgs inflation.

Annual reporting on research
Remember to update your research activities on TUHAT database. Pay attention to information which is not centrally collected, especially international mobility and other publications than refereed journal articles. The library collects information on refereed journal articles and it will be checked in preparing the HIP Annual Report.

Reporting is requested by January 31, 2017.
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/reporting

In January 2017, offered support and TUHATin ORCIDin use
More instructions in Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/en/HY360190

International training for new staff
Flamma https://flamma.helsinki.fi/fi/HY360583

Funding opportunities
Emil Aaltosen säätiö. Vuorineuvos Emil Aaltosen vuonna 1937 perustama Emil Aaltosen Säätiö tukee suomenkielisten tutkijoiden luovaa tieteellistä tutkimustyötä myöntämällä apurahoja.
Apurahojen hakuaika on vuosittain 15.1. – 15.2.2017. Lisätietoja: http://www.emilaaltonen.fi/

University of Helsinki Funds.
The application time for the year 2017 is 24.1.2017 – 9.2.2017.
More information https://www.helsinki.fi/en/studying/during-your-studies/apply-for-a-grant

Researchers / Research funding / Tekes
New knowledge and business from research ideas – call for research funding applications 1/2017
Through the “New knowledge and business from research ideas” application process, Tekes funds projects in which a project team is preparing to commercialise a research idea. Tekes funding will constitute 70% of the eligible costs.

Application period: Thu 15.12.2016 – Thu 09.03.2017

Online services https://www.tekes.fi/en/online-services/

More information https://www.tekes.fi/en/whats-going-on/application-schedules-2017/new-knowledge-and-business-from-research-ideas–call-for-research-funding-applications-12017/

P. Dendooven 7.2. – 7.4.
M. Rinaldi 23.1. – 27.1. (FM)
T. Takahashi 28.1. – 4.2. (KE)

Posted in Weekly Newsflash.